August 24, 2014: South Carter

I wanted to do another hike that was far away from home base so I decided to head back to the same area and hit another peak in the carter-moriah range……South Carter.  I had already done Middle Carter the year before and the trail for South started  little further past the Imp trail I took which was good because the Imp left me with a limp!

The trail started off fairly easy as I climbed parallel to a nice river to drown out my gasping steps.  There was a couple harrowing crossings that were surprisingly nerve racking for just being a few feet above the river.  After about 40 minutes of these river adventures I came to the split in the trail with one way going towards the carter hut and my way which led to more trees and rocks.

I following my way for a while and finally came out at the summit trail which had a nice bench for the weary traveler(me).  I sat down to ponder my next move and decided to pull out my handy White Mountain Hiking Guide(ding ding) to see what laid ahead.  To my surprise, trees and rocks laid ahead so I got up and ventured on.

The ridge trail took me past some nice camping spots even though i’m pretty sure its not allowed up there.  I finally made my way up and over some particularly steep parts before reaching the anticlimactic summit with not much of a view.  There was one other gentleman up there enjoying a snack so I decided to dig into my pop tarts and joined him for some small talk about the trees. 27 down, 21 to go!!